Fairport-Perinton Dollars For Scholars Announces
Nominations for 2024-2025 Board Executives
Fairport, NY, May 21st, 2024 - Fairport-Perinton Dollars for Scholars ("DFS"), a local chapter of Scholarship America (www.scholarshipamerica.org) and a not-for-profit, tax-exempt, publicly supported organization providing financial assistance to community young people pursuing higher education, has announced the nominees for board officers for the 2024-2025 school years.
The following nominees are all active board members:
President - Jeff Polino
Vice President - Chris Muench
Treasurer - Megan Volhejn
Secretary - Angela Monnat
The Board will vote on the nominees at its annual meeting on Tuesday, June 4 at 6:00 PM at 9 Royale Dr, Fairport, NY 14450.
New Newsletter
October 2023 - Check out our official Fairport-Perinton Dollars For Scholars Newsletter for all things going on at Dollars for Scholars this fall!
Check out our newsletter here and keep on the lookout for a call from our students for our annual Phone-a-thon on November, 4th!
Fairport-Perinton Dollars For Scholars Announces
Nominations for 2023-2024 Board Executives
Fairport, NY, May 23, 2023 - Fairport-Perinton Dollars for Scholars ("DFS"), a local chapter of Scholarship America (www.scholarshipamerica.org) and a not-for-profit, tax-exempt, publicly supported organization providing financial assistance to community young people pursuing higher education, has announced the nominees for board officers for the 2023-2024 school years.
The following nominees, all residents of Fairport, are active board members:
President - Heather McCarthy
Vice President - Angie Kettell
Treasurer - Megan Volhejn
Secretary - Angela Monnat
The Board will vote on the nominees at its annual meeting on Wednesday, June 7 at 7PM at 94 Waterford Way, Fairport, NY 14450.
The DFS chapter awards scholarships with monies raised through local fundraising projects and from direct donations. In addition to awarding its own scholarships, DFS administers scholarship funds for other local groups and organizations.
Attention, Class of 2023:
Dollars for Scholars will be accepting applications for college scholarships starting on 12/1/22.
Click on the Students & Parents tab for more information about applying. The deadline is 2/3/23.
Fairport-Perinton Dollars For Scholars Announces
Nominations for 2022-2023 Board Executives
Fairport, NY, May 1, 2022 - Fairport-Perinton Dollars for Scholars ("DFS"), a local chapter of Scholarship America (www.scholarshipamerica.org) and a not-for-profit, tax-exempt, publicly supported organization providing financial assistance to community young people pursuing higher education, has announced the nominees for board officers for the 2022-2023 school years.
The following nominees, all residents of Fairport, are active board members:
President - Heather McCarthy
Vice President - Angie Kettell
Treasurer - Megan Volhejn
Secretary - Angela Monnat
The Board will vote on the nominees at its annual meeting on June 2nd at 7PM at 94 Waterford Way, Fairport, NY 14450.
The DFS chapter awards scholarships with monies raised through local fundraising projects and from direct donations. In addition to awarding its own scholarships, DFS administers scholarship funds for other local groups and organizations.
Fairport-Perinton Dollars for Scholars Awards 87 Scholarships to Local Seniors
June 1, 2021
Fairport-Perinton Dollars for Scholars presented 87 scholarships to 72 local seniors at an outdoor ceremony at Fairport High School on June 1, 2021. The students received awards totaling $74,930 towards their post-secondary education.
"We are proud to honor our graduates for all of their hard work and share in their excitement for the future," said Angie Kettell, Chapter president, "And we especially want to thank our generous donors, sponsors, and the community for supporting our scholarship program."
The scholarships were made possible by funds raised through the annual phon-a-thon, local sponsorships, and direct donations.
Fairport-Perinton Dollars for Scholars, established in 1989, is a local chapter of Scholarship America. DFS administers scholarship funds for local groups and organizations as well as its own scholarships. This year 13 students received Chapter scholarships in recognition of their excellent efforts and outstanding character.
A new scholarship was also added this year, Raiders for Social Justice, to recognize students who represent the underserved and underrepresented in our community. Two students received this scholarship for demonstrating why social just issues are important to them, how these issues have impacted their lives, and how they have or would like to affect positive social change.
Visit fairportdfs.org for more information about the chapter. You can also follow Fairport-Perinton Dollars for Scholars on Facebook
Congratulations, Class of 2020!
You made it to the final stretch, rounded the corner and are soon to become a High School Graduate! We celebrate your many accomplishments in our virtual, twentieth annual awards presentation.
Thank you scholarship sponsors
The Dollars for Scholars Board extends our sincere thanks to our scholarship sponsors for their continued support of our local students! We are excited to virtually connect you with these amazing winners at the awards presentation.
And the awards go to.... Click here for the DFS awards ceremony program pdf file or enjoy the virtual presentation below.
June 1, 2020 Press Release
Fairport-Perinton Dollars for Scholars to Celebrate 83 High School Senior Scholarship Recipients With Virtual Presentation
To read the press release, please click this link to open the pdf document